Records of a Vigorous Note-Taker
July 13th
Write a Haiku about yourself. What you are or what you want. The focus is on brevity.
Untold is my tale
New inspiration I do seek
Inspiration? Found.
- Dialogue- Free-flowing exchange; a group working towards the same goal
- Discussion- One individual getting their point across for a specified result
- Slander- Portraying someone in a false light
- Libel- Applying claims without evidence; accidental slander
- Kicker- When an ending of a piece ties back in with the beginning
July 14th
Leadership Session
- Be Accessible
- There will always be someone who you cannot reach. You must be aware and work to fix that
       2. What Draws you in?
- Human interest pieces
- Iconic Items
- People!
- Interactive items
- Lingering questions
- Personal relations
    3. How can we relate to People?
- Use grandeur- its OK to make it huge
- Use icons- puns, pictures and pop culture
- Make it all about people
- Use Music
* Make every piece about the human condition*
” Stories should be more than a mere representation- dig deeper!”
– Wesley Pippert
Journalism Ethics
Keep to the boundaries
Never lie. One mess up and you’re done
Establish and keep trust
Always work with good intentions
Never assume- check facts
Make a mental “check list” for every piece you do
What is blogging?
– Mark Potts-
A tool used for recording thoughts, reporting, pundent work, media and technology and news riffs
“Work hard. Take chances. Be bold.”
July 15th
Chuck Todd- NBC White House Chief Correspondent
Three Line of Journalism being blurred
- Reporting Facts
- Analyzing infor for news
- Observing Opinion
- be aware so your journalism doesn’t cross over to commentary
You make pieces come alive by answering the “Why”?
“Be fair- not unbalanced”
Tobin Beck-“Veggies vs. Cake- what you need to know versus what you want to know”
News is:
- interesting
- important
- timely
How to cover what you dont know
- Find out who is impacted
- Find out what the impact is
- pre-breif
- you need to know what you don’t know
Q:Â In your own opinion, how would you define an “important” or “newsworthy” story?
A: I enjoy issue stories and things that have never been uncovered before
 “If journalism today is in the toilet, we’re all becoming janitors”
-Allie Ginwala
Journalism is…
All about people and the human condition
About establishing routines