“Video killed the radio star”. A rather bold statement made into a pop culture piece by the British group the Buggles in the 1979. This happy tune sends out a deeper message about today than most people catch. When TV first hit the big time, many thought that that was the end of the world for radio stations […]
When visiting the Air and Space Museum in D.C., one would expect to see space crafts, airplane displays and planetary models right? But a monkey in a jump suit on display? Didn’t see that one coming. As we headed up the stairs to visit the top floor, one of our group members had a recollection of […]
For our first speaker of the week, all the WJMC Correspondents were gifted by having Brian Lamb come and speak to us. When I found out that the President and CEO of C-SPAN was coming to speak to us, I immediately began to ponder. What will he be speaking on? How can someone who has […]